Smart Grid Observer

DOE Announces $133 Million to Accelerate Advanced Vehicle Technologies Research

January 28, 2020    |   back to news


Recently (1/23), the U.S. Department of Energy announced up to $133 million in new and innovative advanced vehicle technologies research. This funding supports research that will lead to more affordable, efficient, and secure transportation energy.

Funded through the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, this funding opportunity supports projects in advanced batteries and electrification in support of the recently announced DOE Energy Storage Grand Challenge. This FY 2020 funding opportunity also supports priorities in advanced engine and fuel technologies including technologies for off-road applications, lightweight materials, new mobility technologies (energy efficient mobility systems), and alternative fuels technology demonstrations. Topic areas include:

Batteries and Electrification (up to $40 million)

  • Lithium-ion batteries using silicon- based anodes
  • Low cost electric traction drive systems using no heavy rare earth materials utility managed smart charging supporting projects that will demonstrate managed and controlled charging loads for a large number of vehicles.

Advanced Combustion Engines and Fuels (up to $27.5 million)

  • Platinum group metals content reduction to enable cost-effective after-treatment for gasoline and diesel engines
  • Improved efficiency of medium- and heavy-duty natural gas and propane (LPG) engines
  • Energy-efficient off-road technologies directly applicable to agriculture sector and/or other off-road vehicles
  • Two-stroke, opposed-piston engine research and development

Materials Technology (up to $15 million)

  • Lightweight and high-performance fiber-reinforced polymer composites for vehicle applications

Energy Efficient Mobility Systems (up to $13.5 million)

  • Improving transportation system efficiency through better utilization
  • Enabling vehicle and infrastructure connectivity
  • Improving mobility, affordability, and energy efficiency through transit

Technology Integration (up to $36 million)

  • Gaseous fuels technology demonstration projects
  • Alternative fuel proof-of-concept in new communities and fleets
  • Electric vehicle and charging community partner projects
  • Technology integration open topic

Transportation and Energy Analysis (up to $1.2 million)

Concept papers for this funding opportunity are due February 21, 2020, and full applications will be due April 14, 2020. For more information and application requirements, visit the EERE Exchange website or

Souce: U.S. Department of Energy.